Three Simple Ways to Spot a Quality Weld

quality welding

For those who don’t know a lot about welding, we can probably agree that the general understanding of welding is the process that joins or fuses two metal objects together, and really most people probably ask themselves how hard can that be? Of course, just like hammering a nail into a wall just about anyone can pick up a welding rig and give it a go, but there is a very big difference between a good quality weld and a bad weld.

The importance of good quality welding comes into play when you think about structures that support you and bridges you cross, although that may not be the first thing that comes to your mind. Many factors play a role in the process of welding and getting a good weld that is durable can be a little harder than one might think.

If you are someone who doesn’t know a ton about welding here are a few key things you can look for that will indicate the welding job is top quality and build to last.


The actual color of a weld will tell you a lot about whether or not the weld will corrode in the future. The color of a good weld can change dependant on the metal being welded. For titanium you want a bright silver or chrome color, whereas stainless steel, a light blue streak is acceptable, but any weld that contains darker colors or that cool rainbow effect can be a sign of contamination in which could increase the risk of corrosion in the future.


Uniformity will show through consistency of thickness, speed and control. This indicates that the weld will be strong and durable. If you see spatter, porosity, cracking, overlapping and/or undercutting this is a pretty good indicator of a weak weld or oxidation.

Fresh Start and Clean finish

As a quality welder, they will take pride in their work. Most repair welding jobs are done on metal that is rusted, dirty, or has the reminiscence of chipped paint. In order to execute quality work, the welder will remove any grime or grit from the metal surface before welding, making your finished product look as good as new! And sometimes even better..

Sometimes welding might not always look very neat but these three simple things to look for will help you indicate whether or not your welder is doing the top quality welding you are seeking.

Are you interested in working with a quality Vancouver welding company? Call West Arc Welding today or contact us here