How to Find the Best Welding Company for the Job – What to Look For

How to choose a welding company

So you or your company is in need of some welding work, but you don’t know any welders and have no idea where to start when it comes to finding a good welding company to hire. Hiring the right welder to do the work can ensure that the job is done correctly, efficiently and in there for save you both time and money in the long run. Because we know that you don’t want to hire someone who’s going to do a half a** job for half the price just to have to have someone come and fix the weld 3 months down the road. So when you are researching to find the best welding company to work with, here are a few things to look for.

Google Reviews 

As I am sure you have heard, one of the best ways to search for something that you need is through the infamous, google. Google provides a lot of reliable information on companies, including their location, phone number and hours of operation. But the most valuable thing google has in my opinion is their reviews. So when searching for the correct welding company to work with, make sure you take the time to check out their reviews, in my mind anyone rated below a 4 star wouldn’t be worth my time. 

Take a Look at the Website

Read through their about page and services, get a sense of who the company is. Even a welding company will show its true colours through the content of their websites. Imagine seeing a website with a ton of spelling and grammar errors, or maybe it just looks like they have slapped together the website, and haven’t updated it in ages! Compared to a company who has put the time and thought into putting together an appealing website with updated information that is clean and concise. Well I think you get the drift. 

And yes I do acknowledge that most company’s hire other companies to design, write and maintain their websites. But this person is taking the time to invest back into their company and this is so important and means they truly pride themselves in what they do!

Word of Mouth

Ask around, ask other companies and friends who they use when it comes to hiring a welding company. Word of mouth is so powerful and you can get a true understanding of the quality of work a welding company does and their customer care as well. Which leads me to my next point…

First Impressions

When the person on the other end of the line answers the phone, how do they answer it. Professionalism and customer service is a must but can be hard to find when it comes to the welding industry or any trades industry for that matter. So when you are calling a welding company to potentially work with, make sure that they are at least answering the phone is a professional matter. First impressions do and should matter.

Reliable and Timely 

This is probably one of the most important points in this post, if you finally have picked a welding company that fits the needs of exactly what you are looking for, make sure they are reliable and timely. If a company says they are going to have a mobile welder out at your job site to repair a piece of heavy duty machinery 9am the next day, and they don’t end up showing up till 2pm or even worse, the next day without any communication. Well they have now just delayed you an extra few hours, or in the worst case a whole day. So make sure that the welding company can guarantee a time they will be there by and that they are on time, with enough time to finish the job. The last thing you want is rushed welding work because a welder or company has taken on too much work. 

This leads me to say if you are looking for a welding and fabrication company in Vancouver or Lower Mainland that does all of the above, give West Arc Welding a call today or contact us here.