The Difference Between A, B & C Ticketed Welder

When hiring or looking for the best candidate to complete a welding job, it pays to know what the different levels of certifications are. Some jobs will only need the basics and anyone with the foundations training will understand how to do so. But once you step into the territory of say underwater pipe welding,

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What We Offer – West Arc Welding and Fabrication Services

As a multifaceted company, we offer a variety of welding services both in shop and mobile throughout the Lower Mainland and Vancouver area. We are experts in structural welding and installs, pipe welding, building maintenance and repair, heavy duty welding, industrial equipment repair as well as custom fabrication. Here is just a little overview of

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Three Simple Ways to Spot a Quality Weld

quality welding

For those who don’t know a lot about welding, we can probably agree that the general understanding of welding is the process that joins or fuses two metal objects together, and really most people probably ask themselves how hard can that be? Of course, just like hammering a nail into a wall just about anyone

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New vs. Old Ways of Welding

People may think that welding is an unchanging profession. Joining two pieces of metal can’t have changed much, you might think. Well, think again. There are a lot of differences between the old ways and new ways of doing welding. Let us explain a few. Electrode Welding Modern electrode welding has come a long way.

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Hiring Ticketed Welders

Knowledge & safety Having a ticket, or welding license, shows that you have effectively passed through a training program and are educated in the current best practices of our industry. We want to ensure that not only is our work effective and efficient, but that our workers and the people affected by our welding remain

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Why We Joined the Better Business Bureau

Why We Joined the BBB You may wonder about our decision to join the Better Business Bureau (BBB). We’ve been a member of the BBB since 2016. “Isn’t that the place where people submit complaints about businesses?” you may ask. Yes, but they do so much more than that. Let’s take a look at why

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What Welding Students Need to Know

Thinking ahead to the summer or fall when you’re starting a new certificate program in welding? Here are a few considerations that welding students need to know. Like to Shop? A number of high school programs introduce students to welding, but how do you know if you’re prepared to take on welding as a career?

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The Basics of Underwater Welding

Types of Underwater Welding Hyperbaric or Dry Welding Hyperbaric or Dry welding utilizes similar welding methods as normal surface welding. The difference is the welder and/or the welding tools are enclosed in a “habitat.” Habitats protect the welding environment and keep it dry while work is being completed. Larger underwater welding habitats are used in large

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Welding vs. Riveting

Advantages to Using Welding versus Riveting for Joints When designing and constructing any major project, the type of joints you use to connect metal structures is important. While riveting has its purposes, there are many ways in which welding has the advantage in both strength and durability. Read on to understand where welding and where riveting

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